Choosing a Charity
Through the Sempra Employee Giving Network, you can donate to any public charity of your choice through payroll deduction. The organization has to have a 501(c)(3) status issued by the Internal Revenue Service and be in good legal standing. If the charity you want to contribute to is in the system, you may begin your giving right away. Get started here.
The best way to find your charity in the Employee Giving Platform is using the ‘search’ feature is to search by the EIN (Employer Identification Number). If you do not know this tax ID number, please search by the name of the organization. You can also filter your search results using the ‘Advanced Search’ feature, and choose the location information best fit for your organization. If you still can’t find the charity, click the ‘Help’ link at the top right of the page, then click ‘Suggest an Org’. Fill out the form and our Customer Advocates will help locate the organization for you, provide steps on how to have the organization added or provide you with the reason for the organization’s ineligibility to be added.